(no subject)

Sarah Banick (sbanick@mindspring.com)
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 22:29:38 -0500

Hi folks --

Just got back from Havana and environs....the food isn't hot. It's more in
the tradition of Spanish cooking, with some interesting twists. I did see
habaneros in the markets, and there were some excellent fish sauces (not
true chilehead level, of course). But my bottle of Habasco really helped out
all those rice and beans. Cubans also have an addiction to little pizzas,
mostly tomato sauce and cheese, on a fry-bread type eaten rolled up (at @15
cents a piece, you don't get picky about taste or ingredients). Otherwise,
it's puerco and pollo -- this pesco-vegetarian ate a lot of pan quesos.


>> So they must like it hot in Havana!  just some Spanish
>Strange thing is, when I was in Little Havana (Calle Ocho) in Miami, there
>was not a hab in sight.