[CH] Newly Discovered Pepper Message

McWilliams, Dan (DMcWilliams@fendall.com)
Thu, 1 Feb 2001 14:21:27 -0600

	Ok so here's another one of the Tezpur pepper like messages, which
has come about because I just happen to see something on the Fire Girl
website. Does anyone have any information about the African "Hatari Danger"
pepper. This 'newly discovered' pepper is listed as one of the ingredients
on a bottle of Acid Rain Limited Edition hot sauce. The only other thing I
have seen concerning this was on hot sauce suppliers page, which stated that
the Hatari brothers, who make the sauce, own the land this pepper grows on.
Ok so I guess now the requests for the seeds will start (already started on
the Fire Girl site). Personally I'll just keep growing the Peruvian Death
Pepper - the seeds were hard to find but I have them and they are everything
they were cracked up to be.
	Besides that I hope Spring comes soon to you all. 

Dan 'Dragonlips' McWilliams

What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very
wasteful. How true that is.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle winning friends while speaking to the United
Negro College Fund, 5/9/89