[CH] car sauce

Sun, 4 Feb 2001 14:43:26 -0500

 > If you like that style of hotsauce you might want to try Tapatio.  
> About twice the heat and a very good flavor...

And even better on fries, yes.  I kept a bottle in the car for awhile
last year, and may eventually get some more.  I try to keep a bottle
of _something_ mild to middling in there just for fries, since I don't
like ketchup on 'em.  Right now it's Bùfalo chipotle sauce; sometimes
it's Tapatio, or Crystal, or Bùfalo jalapeño, or some 
Chinese red chile paste cut with vinegar (much as I love it, sriracha is
a little too sweet for fries, and depending where I'm going 
afterward, I don't always want the garlic.) 

Best thing on earth for fries, though, is hotter, and also quite
awesomely the best  sauce I ever found for pizza: Billy Bob's Blazin'
Trail smoky habanero sauce.  This, folks, is Da Shit.  Give me a bottle
of it and either an order of Rally's fries or a veggie pizza, and I am
one happy old dame.  I seem to recall it's wonderful on
burgers, too, though I haven't had one in years.

Keep on rockin',
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