[CH] Re: "Eat the Heat" on FoodTV

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 13:31:36

>From: mstevens@exit109.com

>As a Chilehead subscriber I would have liked more emphasis oun our 
>but have to realize that most folks know or care little about what we as a
>tribe know or think  (How many times has your sanity been questioned 
>your penchant for the hot stuff?).  I really would have liked it if they 
>made a more specific mention of the CH List as opposed to vague references 
>"they met on the internet."  That said I still think they did a commendible 
>of portraying a balanced view of the varying world of fiery food.

I really liked the show, too, considering it was an introduction to the 
chile world.  In a way I'm glad this group wasn't named; we might have 
quadrupled our membership with people who know little about our, um, quirks.

It was a little disappointing to see just a few short (but good) comments 
about balancing heat and appreciating different kinds of heat flavors, 
compared to the amount of how-hot-can-it-get footage.

I loved watching the hotluck, in part for observing all the chile 
decorations and items that appear in the background.  And that cooking 
school sequence looked like those people were having fun, I wish I could see 
some of the stuff that didn't make the cut.  Now my parents finally know 
what the hab field looks like, and that I wasn't making all that up...

Mark, thanks for the tape, I'll send it to the next one on the list you 
packed.  I just wanted to check with Cardinal B to see if he was waiting for 
a copy - he lives just a few miles from me.

I will be on business travel in the DC area on the week of April 22.  On the 
week of April 9 I will travel a bit farther north, through Harrisburg, as 
far east as Dover, DE.  If I can manage it, I'll try to swing by Peppers in 
Rehoboth Beach DE.  Anyone have any must-see sites around DC?

- A

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