RE: [CH] ARGH!!!!!!

Mary & Riley (
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 10:01:00 -0800

Miss Dewi,

I found these--think both Gareth's and  DatilDerek's look like a good place
to start.  Garry's/Gareth's looks milder.  In both, use dish _soap_.  Dish
detergent/any detergent is bad bad bad.  I think Derek is mistaking when he
says use detergent and is really using dish soap, like Ivory _Soap_.

And with any of these, especially on seedlings, test a plant first.  I have
tried these but am going to make up some in the next day or two.  A couple
plants from last year have the little !@#@ buggers!

One other thing.  These are _contact_ poisons--you have to soak the bugs
with them.  But conversely, they don't do any good 1 hour later.  Wash it
off after an hour.  This would have saved my crop last year when, in a
pinch, I used detergent in place of soap.


Beer for the bugs:
I usually invite the bugs over for drinks.  I'm a generous host, providing
far more intoxicating fluids than my guests expect.  Pie plates of beer for
the slugs, whether I've seen any or not; a spray of flat CokeClassic,
dishsoap, castor oil, and beer for the ground between the plants (a sticky
mess to be sure); a plant spray (modified from the Home Brewed pest control
site) of three or more chile peppers, ground together with three large
and one whole bunch of garlic. Cover mash with water, add a tablespoon of
salt, and place in a covered container with a few drops of Ivory soap. Let
container stand overnight. Strain mixture through cheesecloth or a fine
strainer and add enough flat CokeClassic, flat beer, and water to make a
gallon of spray.
Drink the Coke and or beer that is not flat, but leave out the salt, castor
oil, and soap.
Gareth the BeerBomb ChileKnight

Subject: [CH] Daves Private reserve

Does anybody have any ideas on what to put this stuff on?

You could try putting it on your (less than favorite) co-worker's door
handle (office or car door) for the ultimate hunan hand, or try spraying the
garden to discourage insects or other vermin.

I thought I'd include my grandpa's homemade insecticide recipe:
 1 plug chewing tobacco soaked in 1 gallon of water (don't worry about
 TMV, read on).
 1 cup hot peppers (more wont hurt, I use rejects and my ornamentals
 that are all fire-no flavor).
 1 cup fresh dill weed tops, stems and seeds.
 1 cup dish detergent [use SOAP!!! Riley] (not dishwasher detergent).
After soaking the tobacco plug until it breaks apart, add the   peppers and
dill. Bring to a full rolling boil to kill any diseases   or viruses that
might be in the mixture. Boil for about 5 or 10    minutes. Cool well, then
strain through cheese cloth and add dish    soap, shaking gently to mix.
Store in gallon jug, and dilute 4:1   before use.

 Does anyone know how to discourage peacocks from destroying my peppers?
They pull off all my ripe peppers and throw them on the ground with a big
"peck hole"before I get a chance to enjoy them. I haven't eaten a single red
hab this season. Why cant they eat my Lisa's piquin (bird) peppers like they
are supposed to . I have at least 500 piquins per season on my bush, and
they eat all my exotic goodies. High velocity lead poisoning isn't an
Thanks, DatilDerek

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Emile & Dewi
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 6:59 AM
> To: Chile Heads
> Subject: [CH] ARGH!!!!!!
> Hi,
> Yes, it is that time again. My seedlings are covered in little
> green pests!
> God, I hate those buggers. In the beginning I tried to keep them
> off with a
> toothpick gently scraping them off and squishing them between my
> fingers but
> now they outnumber me by a million. I remember a chile spray to fight them
> off but my saved e-mails don't show how to make it. PLEASE, can anybody
> repost the recipe to make the pepper spray to fight those buggers off? I
> would be forever grateful. I desperately need to kill these
> ^*#$@*# seedling
> killers.
> Miss Dewi
> PS. WHERE IS SPRING?!?!?!?!?!?!?