[CH] re: $$$

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
13 May 01 07:32:59 -0800

 -=> Quoting Fieryfood@aol.com to All <=-

 Fi> I know it's hard to pay high prices for hot sauce, but don't slam the 
 Fi> producers.... [nicely phrased essay clipped]

 Fi> Thanks for letting me vent,
 Fi> Peggy
 Fi> Seattle's Chile Babe

Well put. I guess I was one of the people you were addressing. You're
right. I was expecting quality products at tabasco prices.

You mentioned freight costs. Everything is trucked 1000 miles from
Edmonton, Alberta, so yes all food is expensive here (except fish and

YK Jim

                                                YK Jim

.. Capsaicin isn't a food group it's a life requirement like air or water