[CH] FW: [TomatoMania] AOL/html mail

Mary & Riley (uGuys@ChileGarden.com)
Tue, 22 May 2001 20:39:51 -0700


This is a bit off topic, but a discussion on another group that has some
ChileHead members highlighted something that affects some ChileHeads.
AOL version 6 _only_  send html (web) email.  The ChileHead list, like
many lists, won't accept html mail.

AOL v5 works.  So if you recently upgraded to aol 6 and can't post to
this list but can receive that's why.

Feel free to contact me off list if you have any questions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Riley J. McIntire [mailto:riley@ChileGarden.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 8:28 PM
To: TomatoMania
Subject: [TomatoMania] AOL/html mail

Hi all,

I'll try to keep this the last OT post about aol mail.  email me
off-list if you have anymore questions.

AOL v6 email _only_ sends html mail.  Thus it will not work with many
lists, like the Chilehead list.  They don't accept html mail.

I just got off the phone with aol support on this.  He said there was no
way to turn it off.  He suggested I write stevecase@aol.com and state
the problem.  Which I will.  This obviously won't go to Steve Case, the
CEO, but does go up the ladder.  Don't hold your breath.

One workaround is to use aol v5 for lists.  I did a test using aol 5 and
it does send plain text.  I do not know if you can run aol 5 _and_ 6 on
the same computer.  I used different computers.

Again, consider getting a real isp.  If you really need aol it's only
$10/mon if you don't use their modems.  (Use the Lan/TCPIP setting in
the aol dialer.)



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