Re: [CH] Toland chile flag

danceswithcarp (
Fri, 25 May 2001 08:33:21 -0500

At 07:30 PM 5/29/2001 +0800, you wrote:

 > Wow! A Super-Chilli must be very hot! It's a shame you don't have any space
 > to have more plants. I guess habeneroes are hot enough to use only a bit at
 > a time and last for ages.

Super-Chiles are around an 8 in heat.   They get just tons of peppers on 
them and dry extremely well for storage or ristras.   They won't grind to 
powder too well from a ristra dry, but a couple of hours on the dehydrator 
will give them a crisp that powders very well.  The downsides are they are 
very seedy--however if you dry them you can twirl the seeds out through the 
stem-end quite easily--and they have little taste.

We have 6 in the ground right now and I try to grow them every year for 
heat powder.  We have a quart jar of super-chile powder right now.  I 
personally think they are a bit hotter than cayennes but as I noted, no 
flavor.  If you have small space and want large heat I recommend them.
