Re: [CH] CH List Poll: The Ten Hottest Chiles

tucker (
Sat, 02 Jun 2001 15:30:14 -0500

Islandman wrote:

> Chile Heads:
> Speaking of outrageous claims for heat, check out this. . .
> How about his 'hotness' survey . . .
> Are these folks working with the same chiles as the rest of us?

  Pretty sad when they have such a nice web site, and obviously didn't bother to
check out any other nice sites to get some facts.  This reminds me of my
experience the other day at the local gardening place.  They told me that Thai
Hots had the "Don't eat raw" warning because they were so hot.  The Habs next
door had no warning, as the Thai Hots are "hotter than Habaneros".  They also
said they had some Scotch Bonnets, and when I asked where they were (since I
hadn't seen any), they pointed to the Habs.  Said they were the same thing...
(?)  I hope they know their flowers, since that seems (even more so now) to be
their specialty.

C-H # 2099
Silver Glen American Shorthairs