[CH] Days to fruiting list

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
02 Jun 01 08:36:28 -0800

I put this together for a post on another group and thought it would be
of interest here. Most of the info came from our archives, but now it's
all nicely organized and tabulated:

Additons and corrections are welcomed.

Days to fruiting is a guide only. Many factors such as climate, soil,
transplant shock can influence fruiting. (My experience in a cool
climate is that my chilies always take at least 30 days longer than

You can probably pick green fruit for most types in 70 days or so. Of
course, some may take 90-110 days, and it will be longer for ripe
(red/yellow/brown/purple) peppers, maybe up to 130 days.

Antohi Romanian                                 53 days to yellow,
                                                83 days to red
Lipstick Early Fruiting                         55 days
Jalapeno                                        60-75 days
Jalapa                                          65 days
Espanola                                        70 days
Jaloro                                          75 days
Firecracker                                     75 days
Floral Gem                                      75 days
Bolivian Rainbow                                75 days
Super Chile                                     75 days
Sandia                                          75-105 days
Brazillian Monk's Hat                           80 days
New Mexico Anaheim                              80 days
Habanero                                        90 days
Manzano / Rocoto / Locoto / Chile Peron         90-120 days
(very cold tolerant)
Sante Fi Grande yellow                          100 days
Piri Piri                                       100 days
Purira                                          100 days
MexiBell                                        105 days
Cowhorn                                         105 days
Rocotillo                                       110 days
Yung Ko                                         110 days
Yatsafusa                                       110 days
Scotch Bonnet                                   120 days
Tabasco                                         130 days
Ancho Mulato / Poblano                          130  days
Czech Black                                     145 days
Pequin or Piquin                                150 days
Black Dallas                                    150 days
Ancho Mulato                                    160 days
Tepin Bird's Eye                                125- 200 days
(Also slow to germinate: can take 3-12 weeks at 70F to 80F)

                                                YK Jim

.. I was Alan Greenspan's jokesmith.