Mark Barringer (mdogdrum@earthlink.net)
Mon, 4 Jun 2001 17:01:46 -0400

    Many of you may already know this, but I thought I would share a keeping
tip on cilantro.  Being that the stuff is rather expensive here, and the
fact that it spoils so fast, I was getting frustrated.  I use a lot of it
because I will make salsas at least once a week.  Anyway, a friend of mine
from Brownsville, TX saved the day.  When you get it home, wash it
thoroughly in a colander, making sure to get all the sand and dirt out of
it.  Then, pat between 2 paper towels until most of the water is removed.
Put in GOOD zip freezer bags.  The ones with the actual pull zipper work
best.  Then, freeze immediately.  I kid you not, I have kept this stuff in
the freezer for up to 3 months.  When I need some, I just break it off.