R: [CH] Hot, Hot, Hot: Chili Culture in Calabria

Diavolillo (diavolillo@katamail.com)
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 09:09:39 +0200

Hi you all.
Really in Calabria, the most poor and most beautiful province of Italy,
people like very very hot foods.
Do you know "n'duja", the most hot sausage?
Calabria is a province with many economic and social problems: the presence
of italian republic is a little bit "soft"!
but all the south part of Italy, il "Regno di Napoli", likes hot sauces, as
"prikko prakk" and "kunzerv de diavulicchie" (sorry but this is slang,
southern Italy has different language too from Florence!)
Michele from Bari, Italy.