[CH] Father's Day

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
22 Jun 01 08:53:16 -0800

 -=> Quoting Rich McCormack to All <=-

 RM> One of my daughters and her husband brought me a Father's Day 
 RM> gift yesterday...a collection of Dave's sauces and salsa in 
 RM> a basket that at first I though was shaped like a chile but 
 RM> in reality is shaped like the outline of California.

At the ripe old age of 51, I just received my very first Father's Day
gift. My step-son's daughter Neekha (30 months old and a junior
chile-head if I ever saw one) bought me a 6 inch high banana pepper
from a nursery selling bedding plants. It has 3 immature peppers on it
and she has volunteered to help me eat them as soon as they get ripe.

This is the same girl who bought her Grandma olives stuffed with
jalapenos as a stocking stuffer last Christmas and then ate most of

She'll tackle anything but a habbie with relish.

                                                YK Jim

.. Ornch Habs. Doan Touch! Too Hot! - Neekha