[CH] Need Help Identifying Pepper

Thu, 28 Jun 2001 19:04:46 EDT

Hello Heads,

    Long time lurker here with a question. I bought some pepper plants, 
Caribbean Red Hots, Hot Portugals, and Super Chiles, from a road side stand a 
few months ago. I live in Northern Virginia outside Washington and have the 
plants in containers. The Hot Portugals and Caribbean Red Hots look like the 
way they should be, but the Super Chiles seem different. The tag that came 
with the plants said they should be 2 and a half inches long. Well, these 
guys are about 6 inches long and green. What did I get? Hungarian  type 
stuff??? I have a pic if anyone would like to take a stab at identifying the 
so called Super Chile. Thanks,
