[CH] Northern Habs

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
08 Jul 01 00:12:55 -0800

 -=> Quoting "wildpepper.com" to All <=-

 >> Lisa

 >> Habaneros...i cannot remember the kind, but will look later.  i live
 >> in southern california, orange county, and a friends mother from the
 >> Yucatan said they would not grow too well here because it needs to
 >> be HOT HOT!!!
 >> true or false?  can I grow them?  i mean, i am growing it, but will
 >> it turn our super hot yummy?
 > Yes ma'am, they will.  Habaneros are now grown over most of the
 > world. I've seen them grow as far north as Nanaimo British Columbia

They even do well in Yellowknife, if precautions are taken to make sure
they don't get chilled. I keep half a dozen in pots indoors where they
thrive in a temperature range of 19 to 22 C. During our brief summers
they get moved out onto my deck with a southern exposure where they are
exposed to a range of 10 to (rarely) 33 C. The resulting chilies are as
hot as I care to eat.

They do not like *too* much direct sunlight however. I almost killed a
batch last year by putting them in direct sun during our summer of 22
hours daylight. They did *not* like that at all!

                                                YK Jim