[CH] Chile overdose remedy

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
14 Jul 01 13:01:32 -0800

 -=> Quoting Michiel Overtoom to All <=-

 >She came to me making little whimpering sounds,
 >crying and saying, "Too hut! Mouf hurts!" I treated her with ice cream
 >and lots of hugs and she was OK in minutes. 

 > Earlier tonight we had pizza together with a few
 >drops of La Guaca Maya on it. After she bit into one slice that was
 >hotter than planned, she shouted at me, "Too hot. I needs ice cream.
 >RIGHT NOW!!!" She had a spoonful of ice cream and went right back to
 >eating the pizza. She never ceases to amaze me.

 MO> I see a pattern here  :-)

Yeah. Me too. She's a sneaky little thing!

 MO> Everytime your daughter has a craving for icecream, she eats something
 MO> too hot...

Specially if it's "chockit".

                                                YK Jim

.. America: I actually saw people there drinking Budweiser.