[CH] Re: A new experience

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 12:39:47

>From: Uncle_Dirty_Dave <xrated@ameritech.net>

>-- and a smirking chef peeking from the kitchen.

Yes, the familiar smirking chef, I've seen a few of them, too.  I like to 
bring in my own heat and dumbfound the wait staff.  Their reactions vary 
from "You brought your own?  How neat!" to a kind of disgust like I'm 
bringing used motor oil to their table.  It doesn't help when the people 
with me say "Oh, he puts pepper on everything" in the same tone of voice 
they'd use for "He still makes mud pies, too."

Once in a while you meet up with people who assume that putting heat into 
food ruins the food.  If it's a sarcastic chef who was told to make your 
dish hotter, it gets pepper dumped on it like it's animal food.  I made the 
mistake once of giving the waitress a film cannister of hab powder and 
asking to have the chef put "some" of it on my fish.  (Jeff S. was with me 
on that trip.)  The cannister came back half-empty and the fish was red.  

Sometimes I stump the house when I ask for heat; they actually have no 
sauce, no powder, maybe just black pepper or the little pizza-shop packets 
of red flakes if I'm lucky.

Why We Carry Heat ... I have a bottle of CaJohn's HDH in the Escort's glove 
box right now.

- A

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