Re: [CH] Recipe for Tomato Sauce?

Doug Irvine (
Fri, 03 Aug 2001 08:09:00 -0700

One of the first things I ever did was a spagetti sauce, which I got
from the mother of an Italian artist, when both he and I were sharing a
hospital room, due to both of us having appendectomies! I have modified
it many times over the 50 odd years it is:
4	cups fresh or canned tomatoes
1	cup chopped onion
6	cloves garlic, chopped fine
1	carrot, minced
1	cup chopped celery
4-6  chopped jalapenos, serranos, or likewise chiles
1	tsp oregano
1	bay leaf
1	tsp dried basil OR preferably, 1 cup fresh basil, chopped
1	6 oz can tomato paste, mixed with 1 cup dry red wine

Sweat onions & garlic in 2 tbls olive oil, in a good heavy pot. Chop the
tomatoes and add to the pot, along with the carrot, celery, and chile
peppers. Cook this slowly for about an hour, add the bay leaf, tomato
paste and wine, oregano and basil. Let cook for another half hour, taste
for seasoning, then add salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
If not hot enough add more peppers.  Cheers, Doug in BC whose father was
born in Enniskillen!