[CH] RE: Travel Suggestions

Scott Ashkenaz (sashkenaz@home.com)
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 11:20:04 -0700

Rael64 writ "hey, where're my tickets??? you can't go w/o your own personal
food taster/Chilehead Monk...it's just not, uh, *not*done*..."

Oh, you really don't want to come along, unless you want to be the meal -
Malaria is a busy bugger in Cambodia and India, and there is an outbreak of
Dengue Fever in Bangkok. You have to get all kinds of nasty inoculations.
Just sit down, make a list of the most painful injections, in descending
order. Then, pick the top 15, and get your right cheek ready. After that, on
an empty stomach, take some big, sand-coated pills which give you stomach
cramps, and no chile chaser allowed. And then there are the supposit...

Oh, and don't drink the water. Even bottled water may be filled from the

It's not worth it, I tell you. Just not worth it.

So, why am I going...?

BTW - thanks due to Pecos for good inputs. I'm well familiar with the hawker
stalls from Singapore, Bangkok, and Indonesia, and planned to hunt 'em down
in Penang.
