Re: [CH] Restaurant vet.

tucker (
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 21:30:39 -0600 wrote:

> I washed some dishes and bussed tables for just a bit while in college.
> Quickly vowed that from then on when entering a restaurant it would be through
> the front door only!  Lousy, dangerous environment, bad hours and small pay...
> =Mark

  Yep, the whole thing kinda' bites.  But somehow it gets in your blood...  It's
been about nine years since the last of my four years in the biz' came to an end
(needed a job with insurance), but I still dream I'm back there on a somewhat
regular basis.  Must be kinda' like post-traumatic-stress disorder.  Did about
three years at a Tex - Mex place, and a year at a more "uppity" seafood specialty
place.  Did the dish thing at first in high school, then prep, then lunch shift
sandwich boy, then pantry.  Still like to tell the wife (think she's SICK of it
though) how I never really cut myself while chopping / cutting anything in four
years.  Maybe it was because I wasn't as much of a caffeine junkie as others...
And there was a LOTS o' chopping going on at the Tex - Mex place to prep for
Friday and Saturday night fajita orders.

  Maybe it's just that those were simpler times all around, and that's why they
seemed ok, even though I wouldn't want to go back.  Living at home with the folks,
no mortgage, no utilities; working at night, so no alarm clocks.  Oh well, I guess
that's the price we pay to have a "real" adult life.... damnit.

  Although, the job I have now really sucks in it's own way... make that quite a
few ways.  Hmmmmm....  Rael's "island commune" for chileheads does sound like a
pretty good thing at the moment.

C-H # 2099
Silver Glen American Shorthairs