[CH] scallops

Jim Weller (jweller@ssimicro.com)
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 22:33:25 -0700

From: "Bruce" <blacksheep@awwwsome.com>
Subject: Re: [CH] scallops

> It's been my experience in years of working in restaurants that
> the larger sea scallops are much more expensive and for good
> reason.  They are more tender and flavorful.  At least on the
> west coast of the U.S. I've seen the bay scallops at about
> 1/2 the price of the sea scallops.  The bay scallops have much
> less flavor and if even slightly overcooked they turn into little
> chewy erasers.  We pay around $10 per pound for the sea
>scallops in grocery store fish markets.

That's interesting. On the east coast it's the other way around. The
small bay scallops are more succulent and command the higher price. I
wonder if your bay scallops are local or imported from Asia?

Then there's Calico scallops. They are small sea scallops from Florida
that are sometimes sold fraudulently as bay scallops. They are the least
expensive scallops; because the shells are steamed to open them, these
scallops reach the market partially cooked.

(I love all scallops with a passion.)

Jim in Yellowknife