Re: [CH] Cool Chiles

Ashcroft=Antichrist (
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 19:31:01 -0700

>Have you fiquired out what you want?
>I think you can do it.
>If your only gonna do 1 or 2 plants 
>you could get some "Plant Lights"
>and a timer,  Run these at 12 hours - hours of daylight. 
>Odds are they will rippen,  just take a little longer. 
>You will also have better luck with a small poded plant,  It takes
>less solar energy to ripen a birdseye than the larger size.

am going to order some roma tomato seedlings (my fav tomato since i'm 
not a fan of eating them raw, per se, but cooking them in/into 
things, and sauce, naturally) and some chile seedlings as well. 
Still deciding as to what chile-wise, but i may put 2 romas in the 
front with about 3 chile plants, 3 chiles, 4 romas in the back (or 
that *was* the orginial plan).  An experiment of sorts: "veg plants 
as shrubbery"....

did i say shrubbery? i'll refrain...but i'm going the seedling route 
completely, except for herbs and a squash plant or two...tried 
lemongrass last year, BTW, and it didn't particularly like the 
climate...maybe too dry...may try again...what the hell...garlic is 
no problemo, so it's a given..

as for tomatillos, i grew them years ago...mentioned my experience 
w/them on the list when i first joined up w/Chileheads (first big 
garden)...having no idea of their propensity to propogate like a mo' 
fo', i planted *12* seedlings in my garden...imagine that one...but i 
may plant a few regardless, masochist that i am...

Anywho, my chile thoughts are:

*definitely some yellow Thai chile;
*probably bulgarian carrot (i've heard quite a bit about these over the years)
*possibly a pasilla variety as I can grow larger plants in the back 
and i do like to have a good mild chile available...and these possess 
a more lucrative side to my growing them...
*maybe rocotos (in the back)

...which means i'm gonna (probably) end up with El Buttload O' Chiles 
since i can't make up my mind, so i'll just turn the *entire* back 
yard into my own little chilepatch with a few herbs and 'maters 
scattered one uses the back area anyway, so might as well 
turn it into my own little Garden O' Chile... back aches already...

but that means room for more chiles, so...anyone have experience with 
these? As said previously, main concern is growing time due to my 
short season here

* PUSA JAWALA - annuum
* Bolivian Rainbow - annuum

Thanks for any info, folks...

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......

Monk of the TCS
Order of Enlightened Twister [TM!]