[CH] Re:Rocotos, Chile-Heads Digest V8 #486

Cameron Begg (begg.4@osu.edu)
Fri, 01 Feb 2002 10:32:11 -0500

Hi C-H's,

Michele RE:

>excuse me, but what do you think when do you talk about a "super 
>rocoto"? Do rocotos are not super as they are now too?
>ciao from a non english speaker that sometimes has problems with 
>chile-heads matters.

Mea culpa (That should work in Italiano!); I have been Americanized. 
Here in the US they often use the word "super" to mean large or big. 
In the fast food restaurant chain "Wendy's" for example, if you wish 
to increase the amount of food you "super-size" your order. It's 
horrible I know, but what can one do? The Western English speaking 
world is fast turning into an intellectual desert and I believe the 
low standards accepted in advertising, broadcasting, political 
speaking and email are largely to blame. Sorrry. Now I'm ranting.

In my defense let me say that my use of "super" implied "bigger, and 
I hope, better".
{Nota bene: I did not use the word "hopefully"!}

I conclude hopefully.
                      Regards,               Cameron.