Re: [CH] taking off and hab addiction

Gerald Schmidt (
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 18:54:11 +0100

> Through my site I have met some nice people and they should be lurking
> around on our list. I hope they'll 'reveal' themselves soon.  ;-) You know
> who you are.

BTW, it IS nice - not too many European chileheads, but we *are* getting
more (though I am not one of those people you meant, actually)

> What's next intraveinous (?!) habanero?

I wouldn't recommend that (of course, it was a joke of yours. I hope). I
think, I might have seen the LD 50/LD 100 (i.e. lethal dose) values for
capsaicin somewhere, and in terms of eating peppers, you'd wish you were
dead before you reach it (even if you are more than a serious chilehead),
but intraveinously, it's not that high (but then again, an injection of air
wouldn't be good for you, either).
