Re: [CH] Rocoto

Hobby Farmer (
Mon, 04 Mar 2002 09:41:08 -0500

Pieters, Rob wrote:
>snip< I start seeding mid winter (end of jan early feb here) and take them outside end of april early may when I'm sure there isn't any risk of frost at night....<

We do sort of the same thing - when the Rocoto plant (small tree?)
that has taken over the South-facing window in the diningroom starts
its growth spurt in February, we snip off about 4" of the growing
tips as we try to head the plant back.  We recut the tips, under
water, between nodes, then dip in a transplanting solution (Schultz'
Starter Plus is the one on hand now) and stick them in a small pot
of seed starter mix.  We drench with a dilute mix of water and
transplanting solution and keep the soil damp for a couple of

About 80% of them turn into new Rocoto plants for the garden and to
share.  Maybe we'll bring some to Open Fields again this year. 
(Switch off evil cloning mode)

Hobby Farmer,  enjoying 7 degrees this morning and buried in
two-and-a-half feet of new blowing, drifting snow.  Did I mention
the ewes decided this was a good time to lamb?