[CH] Freeze/thaw hot sauce

Cameron Begg (begg.4@osu.edu)
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 08:20:03 -0500

Hi C-H's,

I had a couple of questions about how I do this, and so I'm writing 
to the list to save myself some time. If you're not a kitchen chemist 
you may want to skip this post.

This works for any fleshy peppers like habs, savinas and would work 
for rocotos too if I could ever get my hands on sufficient quantities!

The idea is to soften the flesh up by repeated freezing and thawing. 
The ice crystals perforate the cell walls and make the pods mushy. 
Put the peppers in ziplock bags. Put in the freezer every night and 
remove in the morning for a few days. Don't let them warm up enough 
that they might start to spoil.

Put the thawed pods through a "ricer". Mine is a KitchenAid 
attachment that separates the juice from the skin and seeds. If you 
like, you can hold the juice at about 70degC for a few minutes to 
pasteurize it. Weigh the juice so that you can calculate correct 
additions of sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. You will need 
accurate scales, which will be a problem for people that don't work 
in an academic or scientific situation. Sorry.
My additives came from:
..........who also have the details on amounts to use.

The sauce can be thickened with xanthan gum (from a health food 
store) YOU DON'T NEED MUCH! and you may want to add salt, lemon and 
lime juice as I do, but that's basically it.
                      Regards,               Cameron.