Re: [CH] FFS follow-up

VoodooChile (
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 06:20:53 -0700

Twas Writ:
>The one thing I wanted to mention was the product called "The Source". It's
>a hot sauce touted to be 7.1 MILLION Scoville Units. I didn't realize that
>that's even possible. If one of the technical people can explain it, I'd be
>very interested.

I suppose it's all relative to the person, but it just seems to me 
that the point of absurdity has been surpassed once again with a 
sauce like this.  Sure we all tolerate various heat levels, but with 
extracts and such, it seems to me that there is no tolerance per se. 
One might as well shove a hot poker into one's mouth.  Of course, you 
need to ream a cat with it first, and it would probably be a good 
idea to cram it up your own arse as well...


Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......
Rael"...taste, man, taste!..."64

"And the Lord spake, saying 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. 
Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less.  Three shall be the 
number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be 
three.  Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, 
excepting that thou then proceed to three.  Five is right out.  Once 
the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest 
thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thou foe, who being 
naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.'"

"Amen"  - Monty Python and the Holy Grail -