[CH] Creamed ham + !

Doug Irvine (dougandmarie@shaw.ca)
Sat, 03 Aug 2002 17:54:29 -0700

Well, I spotted Art Guyer's recipe for creamed country ham....looked it over and made a coupla additions. I had just made a chipotle sauce, thusly:
Doug's Chipotle Sauce

4	dried chipotle peppers(Jim C's)
4	large garlic cloves, peeled & diced
1/2	baseball sized sweet onion, diced
1	dried hot pepper, your choice, I used a hab
1	cup water
1	tsp salt 
1	tbls sugar
6	tbls ketchup
6	tbls wine vinegar
Simmer all of the above, for at least two hours. Remove form heat, and when cool spin in a blender, until mush, then run through a sieve. This will
keep in the fridge for about a week, covered, or freeze. Oh, I forgot....I added about a tbls of Jim's smoked hab powder as well, after I tasted it.
Do that at the end of the cooking period. I have used this for a long time, it is a great chipotle sauce, and with the vinegar, will keep for awhile.

Make a cream sauce, I use skim milk, and our milk is lactaid dropped, as I am lactose intolerant. The cream sauce? chop up a half an onion, simmer in
butter or margarine, add flour...stir in enuf milk to make a sauce.... add one tbls of the above chipotle sauce, then add salt & freshly ground black
pepper....OR if you dont want the black specks!!!! use cayenne! Chop up about one cup or more of cooked ham, mix this into the cream sauce, add
parsley to taste and one tbls  of good dry sherry, mixed in at the last, just before serving. Serve this with a good corn bread, and a mixed green
salad! Glorious!!! even if I do say so!   Thanks, Art, for the inspiration.