[CH] Smokin'

green (green56@PioneerPlanet.infi.net)
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:24:35 -0500

Otay, 'Heads...

I'm smoking my [RIPE!!! :)] habs - didn't get a lot off the two plants,
maybe 10, but thass pretty good me thinks with all the water we've had (like
8" over normal) while the rest o'the US o'A is parched... - on my new
Weeber...  (Yeah, got me a GREEN Weeber thass got a them-o-meter in the lid.
Still don't have things down pat with this thing, but I'm workin' on it, I'm
workin' on it.)

Enkneeways, I've got the ol'Weeber going and I'm using apple wood chunks
(and charcoal...  Yeah.  I know, but baby steps, baby steps...) and I've a
drip pan with water in there.  So's I got to thinking, like maybe I
*shouldn't* have the water in there?  Like it'll add moisture and that's
what I'm trying to take out???

Do I leave the water/drip pan in there???  Cameron?

And, for 'hits and grins, I'm also smoking Hot Hungarians and green cayennes
'cuz they was like hanging there and all.  Way I look at it, there is NO
SUCH THING as a bad smoked peeper!  :D

green, CH #2156