Re: [CH] The Many Uses of Hot Sauce - For Knuckledraggers Only

Doug Irvine (
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 15:58:25 -0700

Gary Bellinger wrote:
> Come on yourself Linda. Explain to me what exactly that had to do with the
> list?
> >
> > Come on, guys - with a site called, you expected anything less?
> > I'm not surprised you were offended, but i AM surprised you feel a need to
> > be so... well, reproachful. You were warned, and stuck your own hand in
> > the mousetrap that time.  Just let it drop.  And pay attention to the
> > warnings, next time.
> >
> > Linda
> >
> >
> >

My goodness, I privately emailed the original complainer,
there were FOUR warnings NOT to click on that site if nudity was
offensive. It did have a relevance, seeing as all that hot sauce was
used(ab used?) and besides, it was probably Pace anyway, which, IMO
deserves to go down the bathtub drain! Yer Canuck sensibilities
offended, were they? Sheesh, here I am, an old geezer, and a great
grandfather to boot, and it didn't bother me bother me bother me bother
me! Seriously, there is a lot more stuff on line much worse than that
was, and I applaud Dickety dee's sense of humour.....we do, sometimes
take ourselves MUCH too seriously! Cheers.
Doug in BC still grinning, cause I wuz thinkin about Rael!!!