Re: [CH] Chile fermentation? V8 #614

danceswithcarp (
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 19:30:50 -0500

At 10:43 AM 11/21/2002 -0500, wrote:
>Dilute it?  Nahhhh. :-P
>I sometimes catch grief over the price of my sauces when compared to
>Tabasco, Franks, Durkees, and the like.  I point out that those usually
>contain less than 10% pepper solids.  Mine is up to 75%.  Multiply the
>bottle cost times 7.5 & see what the bargain is ;-)

Yulp.  I make our brew in 5 gallon crocks.  I fill the crock with 
habs--this batch was dehydrated--and then add salt and vinegar at a 1 cup/1 
gallon ratio.  After two years when I filter the mash out the stuff rates, 
maybe a 4.  It's as flavorful as can be but it just doesn't have enough 
solids to be firey.  It's good on steaks and salads on cold winter days 
though.  Summer days too now that I'm thinking about it.
