Re: [CH] Breast Feeding....

Jack and Toni (
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 14:15:23 -0500

Matt, the only thing I could think of would be to do a taste test yourself, 
stuff her full of hot peppers and see if it comes thru :) You might even 
get a start on making a chilehead from day one:) If it works there will be 
many moms that will gladly thank you since they wont have to give up heat 
and we would hope that would help them ease morning sickness :):)  Pepper Jack

>Hi, All --
>Hope you are all preparing for a wonderful and fiery Day of Thanks.  On
>another note, I have a couple of questions.
>My wife and I are expecting our first little chile harvester on January 3rd.
>My wife plans to breast feed.  We have read that the belief that one should
>not eat spicy foods while breast feeding is, essentially, an old wives'
>tale.  That is, there will certainly be some foods in Mommy's diet that will
>upset Baby's stomach, but these may or may not be chiles.  The baby is just
>as likely to have an aversion to, say, greasy food or onions or asparagus as
>it is to have an aversion to chiles.
>Does anyone have any experience with this?  Any information would be a great
>help -- remember, this is our first....
>T. Matthew Evans
>Geosystems Group
>School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
>Georgia Institute of Technology
>Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0355

Go Fishing with Jack on the Potomac River, MD, USA at: