[CH] Re: Breast Feeding & Blood Types

Rob Solarion (solarion@1starnet.com)
Tue, 3 Dec 2002 10:58:50 -0600

Thanks for all your comments.  I also got a couple of comments from off the

As for breast-feeding, I don't see that there would be any problem in this
regard.  People in Africa and India (and other places) have been eating
spicy food for centuries without worrying about the future newborn.

As for blood types and peppers, etc., Dr. Peter J. D'Adama wrote a book
titled EAT RIGHT FOR YOUR TYPE.  His father was also a medical doctor, who
specialized in obesity.  They tried everything they could to try to develop
a "good system" to help people lose weight.  Finally after quite a number
of years, Dr. D'Adamo Sr. hit upon the blood-type idea and started
experimenting with blood-type specific diets, and sure enough, people
started losing weight more easily.  He died, but his son has carried on the
research.  He wrote his book about 6 years ago.

It is a fascinating book, I think.  Right now I am experimenting with a
strictly Type A diet.  Instinctively, I already preferred many of the foods
that are suggested for Type A.  For example, I love mustard (recommended)
but hate ketchup (to be avoided).  All pepper is to be avoided, including
black pepper.  That is the only exception that I am making with this diet.
I've been eating hot food for too long to stop now.  I am addicted to it,
blood type or not!

Type A is the vegetarian type, and no meats are recommended.  For each type
there are "neutral" foods which one can eat.  The only "neutral" meats
recommended for Type A are cornish hens and turkey.  White (colored) fish
like catfish are to be avoided, but dark-meat fish like mackerel are
neutral.  Fortunately, I became a vegetarian years ago, so I didn't have to
make this particular "transition" to the Type A diet.  Probably eating meat
is much more "harmful" to the Type As than eating peppers, and some of
their digestive ailments probably are caused by meats rathen than spicy
food.  My father was a Type A, and he ate way too much meat and spicy
foods.  He died of complications from a ruptured esophagus!  Now I am sure
that his mostly Type O diet caused that rupture.  As and Os are essentially
the opposite of each other.

Type Os are the meat-eaters, but even they have some restrictions.  The
other two blood types are too complex to even mention.  AB is the newest
one in terms of evolution.

It is most interesting to look through all these lists of foods, and each
blood type discussion is accompanied with recipes that combine recommended
foods for each type.  And some of these recipes look quite delicious.

There are also a couple of other books about blood types, one of which is
the same sort of discussion as Dr. D'Adamo.  The other analyzes
personalities and skills based on blood types:  YOU ARE YOUR BLOOD TYPE by
Nomi and Besher.  For example, it says in that book that Type Bs make the
best chefs, and that Japanese restaurants pay an arm and a leg to attract
the few Type B chefs that exist.  If there are any Type Bs at the list,
please comment on this.

Regards, Roberto