[CH] RE: CH (Chile Haggis)

Riley J. McIntire (Riley@ChileGarden.com)
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 11:36:40 -0800

> A link to the ways you can prepare haggis dishes
> according to the Scotsman newspaper
> http://www.haggishunt.com/haggisclopedia.cfm?part=10
> Doesn't seem to be any Chile Haggis version.  Anyone
> care to try?  Think I might :-)
> Joannie

If you look at the first recipe at the link, "Actual Scottish Haggis--how to
make it", towards the end is "(lemon juice (or a good vinegar) is sometimes
added as well as other flavourings such as cayenne pepper)".

Now, seems to me a Rocoto is about as Scottish as a chile's gonna git.  Chop
up about a cup of them, add a couple tsp of cayenne, for colour, and ¡voila!
Chile Haggis!  Think the chiles would go best in the final mix, not in the
stock phase.  Never had a haggis, but speaking from a firm position of
ignorance I'd use orange rocotos.  Or aji amarillos.  Either have excellent
flavour and colour.

Sometime we'll have a Burn's night, with Haggis.  Hope yours is memorable.

Hot regards,
