[CH] Great Find Today

RisaG (radiorlg@yahoo.com)
Sun, 8 Dec 2002 18:03:47 -0800 (PST)

After my son's karate shiai today (5 hours of watching
100's of children do karate), we went to the local
mall to get some Starbucks. While there, I checked out
the kiosk next to Starbuck's - Santa Fe Post or
something like that. They have hot sauces, salsas, and
decorating stuff - ristras, pottery ristras, etc.

In a basket, I spotted some dried chile in a large
bags. Most of them were red chile but I spotted one
that was green. Finding this interesting, I was
looking at it when the owner of the kiosk told me it
was Green Chile from Hatch. When she realized I knew
about Hatch and where it is and that they were having
a bad harvest this year and it was difficult to get
product from there, she became very friendly.

I got this bag, which must be 6-8 oz for $5.00. I
thought that was an amazing price considering that a
small 1 oz bottle of dried chile is usually that
price. She warned me that it was "Hot". I told her I
was a chile-head and I would decide that. Thanks a
lot. I put a bit on my tongue in the car and it was
far from really hot, it had a pleasant green chile
flavor and a tiny bit of heat.

So, I was figuring out what to do with all that green
chile on the way home - in mashed potatoes, in chili,
in beef stew, etc.

Can't wait to start experimenting with it. Had no
energy to do so tonight.


Just wanted to let everyone know of my wonderful find.
She said that they are moving but she didn't know
where yet. I am on her mailing list. When I find out
I'll let local NJ chile-heads know.

She has a lot of great products and decent prices.


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