Re: [CH] A legitimate use for fast food hot sauce?

Inagaddadavida (
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 16:00:35 -0700

On Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 02:03  PM, wrote:

> Re:  He also burned paper, including pages from his EMT manual
> I wanted to do this as well ;-)  Not as much as I'd have like to have
> burnt the test though (multiple choice with only wrong answers- pick 
> the
> one LEAST wrong).

There's almost a Monty Python sound to that though.  Hmmm.  "Now, I 
want you to choose the least right answer.  Not the completely wrong 
one, oh no, but not the right one either...well, okay, there *aren't* 
any right ones...but pick the close to right yet still not quite right 
wrong answer.  Got it? Go!  What? No! No pee breaks! Get on with it!"

> Re:  sauce packets from Taco Bell
> I think I'd have starved ;-)

One more reason to <1> carry ample chile supplies when traveling and, 
<2> bring along a pet or friend for company...and possible sustenance.

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......

Rael"...look! is that someone?...WHACK...mmm, breast or thigh?..."64
Monk of the TCS
Master of Twister
Mystic Order of Capsicum Rogues