[CH] Issues, O.T. mostly.

George A. Starkey (gas@kdlegal.com)
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 15:26:13 -0500

At 09:08 PM 12/16/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>>Straight text? Looks crooked to me if you've compared the price of a
MAC to

>Oh don't get started on the Mac/IBM thing- I absolutely HATE Macs- and
>can give you a hundred reasons why- but I won't. Macs are fine for
>who don't know how to use computers. 

Ok, fine, have your own opinions, as Luddite as they may be...

Macs cost more than PCs? ---  BMWs cost more than Saturns.  Same
argument. Same reasons.
      A Mac will be functionally useful 8 years after you buy it, able
to handle what is thrown at it. Can you say the same of any PC? No. If
you do, you are still probably happy with your Zenith amber screen.

Macs are only good for "graphics" or "music" --- What the hell else
matters? If you need to type plain text, use an IBM Selectric II and
carbon paper,as you'll get the same functionality as you would from one
of those lovely $500 Gateway or Compaq's.

And as to Buffalo Wild Wings hottest sauce? It may cause most to suck
air and pledge allegience to eating sour cream by the cup, but you're
right. It lacks *Flavor*.  Now, Jim's sauces are leaps and bounds
hotter, a couple bordering on lunacy, but they all have true flavor. The
way it should be!

George in Indy, upwind of the Fields of Screams.