[CH] Holiday Wishes

Dave Drum (xrated@ameritech.net)
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 18:09:10 -0600

Some of you will see this twice. But, it bears repeating....

Besides, if we nuke our chiles who knows what they will mutate to? No heat?
No flavour? Wierd tastes? Become carcinogens?

All of you should know by now that I am not much of a religionist. But,
at this time of year when many are in the mood for celebration of the
winter solstice and the turning of the New Year (in Christian dominated
parts of the world) I would like to express my sincere wish that we all
put aside hate and differences over petty things like whose god is in
charge of "all creation" and accept that we all have to live here
whether we love one another or not.

In short, that we can all learn about each other and understand the
other person's position, feelings, needs, wants and desires. There
really should be no reason that we can't all get along with each other.
Hatred of someone who you don't even know "because my ancestors and his
ancestor didn't get along" is so lame and false to ones professed
religion, if one is a religionist.

I have studied a lot of religions and NOWHERE, in ANY religion, have I
seen any commandment from any "supreme being" to go out and kill any one
or any thing. In fact all religions I have read on have commandments and
prohibitions against killing.

So, please, in the name of humanity can't we stop the killing and hatred
and learn to get along with one another??? My sincere wish for this old
mud ball for the upcoming year (without much hope of its coming to pass)

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