RE: [CH] Finger Heart

Rich Stevens (
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 20:19:35 -0500

Could the name be finger hot?  A local market here sells a chile by that
name, along with a good selection of other hot peppers.  Looks like an aji,
3-4" long and about the shape of a finger, hence the name.  Fairly hot.  The
color can be either green, red, or a combination, depending on ripeness.
The green ones occasionally have a slight grassy taste when raw, like
jalapeņos.  The red ones are more fruity.  Don't know what other names they
may go by.  The market has given up on teaching their cashiers the names of
all the chiles they sell, which varies almost daily, so they sell them all
at the same price.

Rich Stevens
Photo Trend Enterprises- A Restaurant Service Company
"I never have trouble getting in shape. The Greeks thought the sphere was
the perfect shape, all points being equidistant from the center. I
effortlessly tend toward perfection".

-----Original Message-----
Subject: [CH] Finger Heart

Has any heard of these chiles?

A friend from S.C. sent some,  Claims they are hand-me-downs from the
Plantation Days.

FWIW She also sent some experimental green bells that will survive in the
upper 20's and set fruit in the 30's (thats F, Doug)

Nice if these traits could be passed to C annum chiles.
