[CH] Re: Thanks for your votes

The NorthEast ChileMan (thenortheastchileman@attbi.com)
Sat, 11 Jan 2003 22:20:20 -0500

   I hit the Reply All icon & as stated in my E-mail, Snip:

Damn Doug, you went & scaird another listmember to another list:


When ya gonna learn ta keep ya BC opionions ta yaself so's ya stop scarin
off 1st time posters whos only tryin to make a livin in da state of

 I never had a bad word for *you* or *your* company, never wrote you were
spamming or trying to sell me something. If *I* were to take the podium in
the US House of Representatives as an unknown & try to get a count of who
was in favor of making Nekkid TwisterŽ the "official" game of the C-H's
list, do you think I might get some flak? I never posted any flak about you
& find your defensive position to me unnecessary.

   Think about it while you go to this URL:


  & let this *person* know he's acutely saying something about your product
& your integrity. To be honest with you, I've visited your site many times &
find many aspects informative & helpful & often refer newbies to:


  because I use almost 90% of what's printed there for *my* seed starting
xcept for your feelings on peat products. Before taking someone to task,
please read what he wrote, not what was posted to the list. I hope you do
not offend the other list members that you, Snip:
       I only entered your chile-head chatroom for a few days,
at Sam McGee's, GardenWeb & PepperJoe's,  all of which I frequent along with
a number of YAHOO Groups such as DePepperman & will no longer defend you at.
  Yours in heat,
PS Please tell Sue I love her recipe for Tepin (I could care less if it's
suppose to have a whosegama above a letter) Sauce! So simple & HOT! My
introduction to the Tepin was at a friends house & he said "There not hot."
as he popped one in his mouth & chewed (I thought!) So I popped one &
thought I was gonna need a loaf of bread & a couple of gallons of milk to
put out the fire. Seems my supposed friend put the pepper between gum &
cheek & "fooled" me into thinking he was eating one.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Dremann" <craig@ecoseeds.com>
To: "The NorthEast ChileMan" <thenortheastchileman@attbi.com>
Sent: Saturday, 11 January, 2003 12:02 PM
Subject: Thanks for your votes

> Thanks for your email.  I only entered your chile-head chatroom for a
> few days, to gather everyone's votes on what people have personally
> experienced is the world's hottest pepper, for Guinness, and nobody
> chased me out.  However, what if a representative from Guinness had been
> the one asking---would people have chased him out because they'd think
> he was trying to sell beer?
> Since our seed company was the first in the world to offer a substantial
> number of pepper seed varieties, for the last 31 years, all the
> chile-heads should already know who we are; so I had not considered that
> anyone would think our inquiry about the hottest pepper spamming.  I
> disclosed who I was and didn't hide behind an alias, as I explained
> before, so that the votes would be honestly tallied.
> Sincerely,  Craig Dremann, Redwood City Seed Co.