Re: [CH] Tomatillo ???

Doug Irvine (
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 07:51:29 -0800

Diane Salts wrote:

>Recently myself and some friends were discussing our pepper crop for next year and got on the topic of tomatillos. As we are total novices regarding these plants and how to eat/cook the fruit, I thought I would ask you guys. (I might be spelling tomatillo wrong)
>He who dies with the most toys...
>is still dead.
Hi I am in an apartment, and everything I have found out 
about growing them, precludes that route, but I do buy a ten lb box of 
them at least once or twice a year. I peel the outer skin(papery bit) 
off and wash, and then simmer them in salted water to cover, with a 
large cut garlic. Do this with care, because if they split in the pot, 
you will have a green mush. Keep the water at simmer, keep turning them 
around, and when they are a uniform colour, they are done. I then let 
them cool, and pack in one qt freezer packs, including some of the water 
they cooked in. If you handle them with care, they will not break. They 
are indispensible in a green chile stew, or they may be used in salsa. 
It is my understanding that they are very prolific, and also spread out 
to take over the garden. Great little fruits!
Cheers, Doug in BC