[CH] Test

Lukasz Speer (radomvis35@midcoast.com.au)
Wed, 15 Jan 2003 00:02:39 +1100

(*^*&^$^#%$# MicrosofT
Nearly back on line after much angst, Obscure Multiplying Boot sector Virus  killed the Old 
clocked 333, currently Running Win2(&*^%^$$#)K, over a network No Printer running yet, as the 
OS does not have drivers for my Multipass C20 Cannon Fax printer, Does not like Opera 7.02 
On Topic 
The Drought in Oz is having  seriously good effects on my 2 and a half yr old Tepin Bush, I have 
harvested 3-400 fruit already and look like getting another 3-400 off it. The Bush is only 22 inch 
cubic. I hope to have some new Pequin type seed from a Thai Sourced Chile that is not much 
larger fruit than the Tepin..

Luke In Oz 
I Know Doug ! (Canuck) says Get an Apple..
, O.K My Brother has a New G4 Titanium so I'll probably scam it off him late next Year....
Working on his spare Adsl Modem, His new Apt Building in Sydney has only twisted pair phone 
line access, and he still has 10 months paid up at 3 gig download per month..