[CH] MotherFAQing topic

George A. Starkey (gas@kdlegal.com)
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 11:38:44 -0500

Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 10:45:02 -0500
From: =Mark <mstevens@exit109.com>
Subject: Re: [CH] Peoposed FAQ questions

Q:  How is "habanero" pronounced?
A:  Any damn way you please.

This is true.  If someone knows what they are, they know all the
various pronunciations and permutations of the name.
If they don't know what they are, and they all universally come up with
the same response (stolen from Eddie Murphy reflecting on what the Pope
said when he was shot)


Yours in capsaicin peace and love,
