Re: [CH] FAQ - Recipies ?

AndyB (
Wed, 15 Jan 2003 20:36:50 -0500


If the List wants a "very limited list of recipes", then that's what I'll do.  The problem with it is that I don't want to be the only one who decides on the few which make it. I would need a "committee" for that.

If we have 8 categories, with 5-10 examples each, that should allow for a reasonable sampling, and it is a magnitude that I can easily handle. (I wouldn't want hundreds.)

Did you note my suggested use of URLs ? 

Regarding recipes as info: I could easily separate FAQ from plain Info (e.g. recipes) - just a thought.

I've already considered including Jim's bread and Doug's Evil Cookies as list favorites, given their permission.

Regards, AndyB

Mike Benson wrote:
> > Should Chile recipes be included on the FAQ site ?
> > Please, please reply with your comments.
> I think for a FAQ it should be a very limited list of recipes (like
> under a dozen total), with links to some good places to find more.
> Including hundreds of recipes would seem more like an Unofficial
> ChileHeads Recipe Site than a FAQ.  I would keep it simple, say one or
> two of each: salsa, hot sauce, pickled peppers, and maybe some special
> ones like Jim's bread or Doug's Evil Cookies.  I say this because
> anything not basic is getting specific and not likely to be
> "frequently asked".  Anyway, that's my 2 cents.