Re: FW: [CH] FAQ

AndyB (
Sat, 18 Jan 2003 13:03:44 -0500


What you said is exactly what I anticipated.

First get some basic concept, scope, structure and content.  See if get a "warm tummy' feel from most of the list members, then let it naturally grow (e.g. from list members input).  

My first thought is to keep it simple.  If it does grow, then the members may want to make a more formal delineation between "Procedures and Rules", "FAQ", and General Info.

But first one has to get something up there so people can throw information and darts at it.


The Lash wrote:
> At 07:37 PM 1/16/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> >Some, you will never get placed in...Yahoo for example is VERY hard to
> >get a listing in. Others, Like google are almost automatic
> Yahoo and Google are both paid search engines- which means if you slip them
> a "service fee", you'll magically appear higher in the search results. But
> as someone else mentioned, seniority does talk- long standing sites tend to
> come up high in the ratings. 

> Anyway, about this FAQ thing- has anyone considered doing several different > > FAQs? I mean, start with the basic list FAQ, then on to canning, growing
> regions, recipes, etc-  then if someone
> asks a question that nobody feels like answering, you can say "refer to the
> *.* FAQ". It would be an ongoing project, but certainly easier than trying
> to put together one all encompassing FAQ. 

Yes, that's why I have the FAQ topically organized.  Later, if the members want this to be grown beyond the "nubie" stage, then sub-topics can be used for topic areas that grow large.  

> It would be great to get all this
> info in one spot- a lot of web space and time has already been volunteered-
> looks to me like a web site is inevitable-

> Rob K
> Celtic Mayhem From America