[CH] sprouting seeds

Nels Peterson family (npkp4jp@polarcomm.com)
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 17:56:59 -0800

Friends and Neibhbors,

Checked my greenhouse yesterday -- was minus 5 degrees F outside and 32
degrees F inside.  Just about a heat wave. (smirk added here)  I collect
water in a tank from the roof and the top of the ice had a film of water on
top.  Sun will have some power in a few weeks.  Need to get the furnace
fixed so I can start plants in early March.

Nels in ND

> > chile related content:  My seeds just sprouted!  So far the red
> > savinas,

> Seeds just sprouted?!! Man, we haven't even had winter up here in
> Idunno yet.  Weird weather.  Makes me nervous