[CH] Pepper Plants

Saundra (saundrah@mindspring.com)
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 19:45:58 -0600

Hello, it's been a long while since I posted anything to the list, but I
read the emails weekly. I work entirely too many hours each week to
participate in much, but anyway on to the question. I am thinking about
ordering some pepper plants this year since I am short on time and tired of
the same old varieties that I can find in my area. I've asked the 'experts'
since I know that you can tell me who has quality plants and good variety. I
know that all this has been discussed many times in the =
past, but I have always started my own seeds, but due to lack of time have
an interest this year in plants. If you'd like, send your suggestions to me
privately so as not to clog up the list. But there may be several like me
that suddenly have an interest in plants. I really enjoy the tips and
recipes that everyone sends in, keep it hot. Saundra in AL