Re: [CH] Chile-Heads Digest V8 #645

Starwind (
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 17:33:51 -0500

I'm astounded by what I've found in Wal-Mart super centers. In addition to
fresh chiles, and, like Dan, I found great habs there over the weekend, they
have a good supply of Mex-sauces as well as Bufalo brand chipotle sauce and
canned chipotles en adobo. Prices on these items are _very_ reasonable.


on 1/27/03 3:42 PM, Daniel electronically inked the following:

> Subject: [CH] Winter Habs
> Yesterday my Wife was shopping at the local Wal-Mart Super Center and they
> had fresh Habs! They look great, although a couple could have hung on the
> vine a bit longer. So, if you want to make a winter batch of sauce, now you
> know where to find them. There's a Web site address of the company that
> packs them:

If all the beasts were gone,
Man would die from a great loneliness of the spirit.
For whatever happens to the beast soon happens to man.
All things are connected.
--Chief Seattle