[CH] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jalape=F1o=2DChampion?= Max Sandlin

Rob Solarion (solarion@1starnet.com)
Sun, 2 Feb 2003 20:16:56 -0600

Max Sandlin is our local Congressman.  Personally, I don't think 8
jalapeņos in 5 minutes is anything to brag about.  But then, peons like I
don't get invited to participate in these media events.  Happy Candlemas!


The Dallas Morning News, 2 February 2003
By Todd J. Gillman

Representative Max Sandlin, an East Texas Democrat, will defend his
jalapeņo-eating title later this month in CHILE PEPPER MAGAZINE's second
annual Zestiest Legislator Contest.  Last year, Mr. Sandlin consumed eight
peppers in five minutes to beat lawmakers from 10 other jalapeņo-producing

"I take seriously the competition to defend my title," Mr. Sandlin said.
"Washington has been especially cold this winter, so I look forward to
cozying up to many hot chile peppers."