[CH] Fw: Australian Open Fields.

Marc Winterburn (marcw@iinet.net.au)
Thu, 6 Feb 2003 09:40:18 +0800

I am really pleased to announce that we will be holding the inaugural
Australian Open Fields here in Gingin WA in late Feb or Early March 2004. I
know that this is plenty of notice but I must start planning early.
I am styling it on Jims successful ventures and with his help and guidance I
reckon we can put on one heel of a weekend.I hope that we can entice some of
the overseas CH's here for the inaugural as that would really make it. I
will be asking for suggestions on what to grow and finalizing the dates in
the next few weeks.
I will time it to coincide with our very own 2nd Perth Chilli Festival 2004
of which we are holding the inaugural one in the very beautiful Araluen
Botanical gardens in Perth's hills in 9 days time. I think the weekend after
would be an ideal time so that out of town visitors can attend the festival
then travel our beautiful southwest for a few days and then return for the
open fields.
There will be all of the things that you have grown accustomed to at Jims
events and hopefully a little bit of different Australiana type stuff. We
have some very interesting Aussie Bush foods over here and lots of goodies
lined up. More details soon, but everyone most definately welcome. Please
feel free to email me with suggestions for events and types of chillies that
you would like to see growing.- Since it is a long way away for many people
we will make a special effort to supply accommodation here in the form of
tents, caravans(trailers) and dongas(portable rooms). There is also a very
comfortable trailer park( caravan Pk) within 3 miles and also a lovely
country pub within 5 miles. There is also plenty of other accommodation
around for those who dont like to rough it.( Farmstays and trendy places)

So come on make the effort to get out and see how the other half lives and
check out the fire recovery work.
I bought a digital camera today so will be able to post some pics very soon
of the fire effects.

Kind regards
Marc Winterburn
The Oz Chilli Man